What is the first thing you do in the morning? Check your phone? Turn on the TV? Did you see or hear more negative headlines in the news? Negative news in any form can be shocking bringing about stress, anxiety, and discomfort. When people are exposed or observe negative news, especially in the morning, they are 27% more likely to communicate they had a bad day 6-8 hours later according to GoodThink, a group of happiness researchers.

In an era of constant distraction, you have to build in a routine (literally give yourself permission) to walk away from things that bother you. Understand that it’s ok to say no. Make time for what energizes you (either exercising, cooking, spending more time with your kids, etc.) Here are some quick tips to put back the fun in your life to help you regain your sanity and ultimately find your purpose.

  1. Make a list. If you are the type of person that feels a sense of accomplishment by checking things off your list, then go for it. Write down the 10 items you need to do for the week that are truly purposeful in a healthy manner (e.g. not organizing the tax documents, or cleaning out the fridge). Now rank them in order from high priority to low priority. Make sure you check 2 off EACH day.
  2. Exercise. In the journal Frontiers to Immunology (18 fresh new studies), highlights the benefits of exercise, yoga, qigong, tai chi help to reverse stress related genes. Inherited genes are not static and DNA activity is dependent upon what we do with our body (and what we fuel our body). Go for a walk in a nature. Stretch every night before going to bed. Do something that truly involves mindful movement.
  3. Detox. Fuel the body with cruciferous vegetables. This family of broccoli, cabbage, bok choy, and sprouts to name a few are called superfoods for a reason since they are a good source of antioxidants that help fight pathogens and toxins, detoxify liver enzymes, and reduces the risks of many cancers. While you are at it, take a digital detox by unplugging the smartphones, turn off the TV, set your phone to silent, and putting them out of sight to mitigate the urge to check those status updates.