Worry is an unpleasant feeling about the future. If left unattended, then it escalates into physical problems typically fatigue, insomnia, mental fogginess, and poor appetite. Anxiety is much deeper and originates from a place of experienced based trauma and fear. Both are equally linked to the body’s biological fight-or-flight response. The mass hormonal exchange enables the body to prepare for threats and attacks as the adrenal glands via the sympathetic nervous system are activated releasing epinephrine.

The result of these chemical messengers being released ultimately produces cortisol. This hormone increases your blood pressure, blood sugar, and suppresses your immune system. When individuals worry constantly, they also report being sick often, chronically ill, or germs magnets since the body’s defense system – your basic immunity is weakening day after day. The hormones are not balanced and glands cannot calm down.

When a worry based feeling, which was bottled up has been triggered, your frustration or anger rises (blood pressure increases), and it starts to scream for your attention making you feel nervous as you reach for a cigarette or carbohydrate-craving meals (to increase the blood sugar levels). The link between food consumption and feeling better is the brain’s feedback mechanism giving you serotonin. Nicotine, like carbohydrates, increases brain serotonin secretion as well.

It is the main contributor of complex pain sensitivity and regulating your well-being of happiness. Essentially, these buried negative emotions – worry, anxiety, fear, PTSD, trauma, depression – can boomerang back at us if left unacknowledged. (Journal of Personal and Social Psychology).

As part of breaking the cycle, you must learn to be aware and recognize the negative thought patterns. It will not happen over night or with a pill. It will require dedication with numerous rewards for your brain, body, and confidence. You don’t deserve to live a life of suffering. Better food intake, exercise, breathing, occasional pauses from the rat race, put down your phone, being out in nature, meditation – there are hundreds of techniques to calm down the nervous system in order for you to turn the troubles to triumphs.

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